We were supposed to disband NATO at the end of the cold war and the Warsaw Pact. How should Russia consider our cold war artifact being shoved on its borders?
We wouldn't put up with a threat to our borders. We don't even allow countries in this hemisphere to choose their own governments. Ask Salvador Allende.
Unlike Russia and China, we have significant forces all around the world. Compared to us, Russia and China are relatively peaceful and friendly. The world is threatened by our allowing our military unlimited funding and global presence. The biggest threat to us and life on earth is our badly motivated attempt to control global order.
Do we need new nuclear arms more than health care? Congress has health care. Wealthy sociopaths want power. They are inhuman materialists who believe that regular people deserve to be disadvantaged. Ukraine has nothing to do with democracy and everything to do with imperialism.
Ironically, billionaires can never be fulfilled.