We Spit in the Eye of Humanity
We used to disassociate ourselves from the other animals by disrespecting their intelligence. We said that it was all instinct. We were wrong. A lot of animals teach and learn about food and danger. Some must wonder about those upright, clothes covered, presumptuous hoarders of habitat.
The physical ability for better speech evolved in our ancestors who possessed the power of collaboration. This could only be possible coming from humanitarian values.
It’s not going to come from lying or getting over.
It comes from trust. And empathy. And gratitude.
Like being grateful for having the most stuff! Just kidding. That would be materialism. But we have empathy, so…
Grateful for the fulfillment that comes from sharing with everybody, and being a humanitarian. Or maybe socialist. Or practicing an economy of abundance, where everyone shares in abundance, as well as scarcity, because shit happens in any economy. But I digress.
Especially grateful for the grateful looker who really knows how to express appreciation.
The point is, we are not taught, or even hear about the power of the values that are at the core of being human. They transcend materialism and conflict with Capitalism. We want social economics, not Darwin economics from the jungle we left behind.
Expect Capitalists to unfairly besmirch all the broad aspects and different facets of a more social system. They have to be unfair, being compared to a possibility that can employ the values of humanity.
So they cheat. They use fear and hatred and shiny materialism to distract us.
Better to not be fooled.
Better maybe fulfilled.
You can be a Capitalist.
Or you can be a human being. Thanks for the read.