Status Quo Parasites and Undistributed Treasure

Joshua Bender
2 min readMar 12, 2023

When you hear about “balancing the budget” and references to debt, the subject won’t be about tax cuts or deregulation or sending billions in weapons elsewhere . These tropes are fake responsibility dodges when considering supporting the disadvantaged or strengthening services and infrastructure. Suffering is actually promoted so that few have the time or wherewithal to analyze the lies that are aimed at the naïve disadvantaged who are kept from the support that is their due.

The materialist idea of individualism and pulling yourself up by the bootstraps is true for jungle law and those who are ignorant of the necessity of human values and the power of cooperation. It’s easier to vote against your best interests when disconnected to humanity.

An astounding lack of concern for others must be accepted by the sociopathic drive for control by the powerful. It’s an ugly thing to see, but it won’t help to look away, though you may need to squint for these icons of glaring political hypocrisy:

Senators are allowed to have insider trading. A senator can be on an energy committee while having investments in fossil fuel. It’s hard for someone who lacks humanity to be bothered by conflicting interests.

Our pensions have been looted and disappeared in favor of questionably monitored 401 k’s. Congressional protection doesn’t reach past their own retirement. How do they sleep?

Maybe they sleep with aid from the excellent health care they decided to exclude everyone else from. Those who can afford to buy health insurance facilitate the profit that helps fund political donations that funds a vicious cycle of needless suffering and exclusion.

Humanity needs a meeting. See you in the street.



Joshua Bender

Recognizing hatred as the bane of humanity, Non-Borderline Personality Disorder, and coincidentally the literally first sin.