Promoting Hell On Earth
It’s hard to notice a repeated widespread mistake that has been ingrained as part of common operations. Such is the case of excluding human value when prioritizing shareholder value.
We don’t need to change rules when they are written better than they are applied. The mirage of a superficial shareholder value as separate from the core values of humanity is a mistake copied ubiquitously by the financial monkeys of Darwin Economics.
Can you imagine how much better the world would be if shareholders’ humanity had consideration in shared value?
But in Capitalism, to include human values in a company’s operation is to handicap a managers ability to maximize the bottom line. It would take a highly inspired and very talented administration to pull it off. In some industries it might not be even be possible. That’s why psychopaths are the CEO’s of choice in so many companies. I don’t know if there is good data or even mediocre research on how many sociopaths have floated up to administrative positions in those companies.
So it is important to have a government that can administer safety and justice. It is a moral imperative we all want to have and invest in. Some services are not a proper part of markets. Basic morality is practical, and should not be disadvantaged by the profit motive.
But the weapons industry has attached itself to the “defense” industry, causing a disadvantage to the world by creating a hostile narrative and promoting needless war with manufactured reasons we foolishly believe. And deep pocket lobbyists warp the government to aim for another war, immoral and impractical.
It is likewise morally repugnant to have health care on the market. It produces incredible waste and suffering. That is a part of the market that has also parasitically embedded itself in our government taken over with treasure bled from its victims. That “health”care shareholder value is ironically without the values of the humanity it is purported to care for .
People originally pooled abilities and resources and created the greatness of humanity.
But now well financed sociopaths take advantage of the position society helped put them in. Not only do they not help, but they aggravate major problems for their short term and foolish personal gain. Should they be punished? Hell, we don’t even tax them!