Bane Grips Half of U.S.

Joshua Bender
Nov 15, 2020

I knew it. It’s in my logo, and it’s worse than the pandemic, which it exacerbates.

The thoughtlessness of fear mongering hatred has cobbled half of this country’s minds, reacting with blame, resentment, and an atrophied ability and even desire to understand. A tendency toward force and a rejection of need is a typical mental facade of fear. A lack of humanity allows hatred and its fears to exist. This can not and should not be sustained.

We must reaffirm the practicality and morality of human values, such as trust and integrity, empathy, humility, comprehension and insight, etc. These are required primary references from which to direct our energies. They can and must be universally respected and the practicality of ethical living should be appreciated and celebrated.

With this background, the thoughtlessness of hatred will be more obvious and subject to treatment, which would probably be not unlike that for PTSD.
When you lose hatred, you lose nothing.
It will be hard if not impossible. But it’s our least impossible way to save everything.

Thank you for your time.



Joshua Bender

Recognizing hatred as the bane of humanity, Non-Borderline Personality Disorder, and coincidentally the literally first sin.